($5 Shipping) ORIGINAL - Charity Piece {Mermay 2020} "Last Goodbye"

($5 Shipping) ORIGINAL - Charity Piece {Mermay 2020} "Last Goodbye"


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Third of four Mermay 2020 paintings. Proceeds from the sale of this original will benefit the World Wildlife Fund. My goal was to raise awareness of four crises facing the oceans today by painting four mermaids facing them in their homes.

There are only a dozen Vaquita porpoise left alive. Endemic to the Gulf of California, they get caught in American and Mexican fishermen's gillnets used to catch large fish and shrimp. Recently, both the Californian and Mexican governments have banned the use of gillnets in the Gulf of California. With only a dozen or so left, hopefully the ban has not come too late.

Done in watercolor and colored pencil on 300gsm cold press watercolor paper, 25% cotton.